The guys at Vsente are just not happy about the notion of Open Source Marketing and call on myself, Bob Garfield, Jeff Jarvis and Steve Rubel to make the mud stick. I don't consider myself part of such rariefied company, but I've had some good banter with the Vsente guys in the past and appreciate a bit of push back. So for what it's worth...
...the whole point of the manifesto was to try and help shift the terms of the marketing debate which, I think everyone agrees, has become very stale. Vsente's central complaint appears to be that...
"Open Source Marketing will never get off the starting line because the vast majority of consumers simply DO NOT WANT TO PARTICIPATE. The vast majority will not draw pictures, create blogs, read blogs, engage in conversations, establish a relationship, join a network, offer advice or file complaints for the several thousand different products and services the average American consumer will purchase during the course of a year."
Well, I think a lot of people don't want to participate, but a significant number clearly do - especially in younger age groups. Simple as that really. In fact, I think the most suprising aspect of OSM, blogs, Flickr, Web 2.0, consumer generated marketing et al, is the extent to which people want to get involved. Thoughts anyone?
Sure, not everyone wants to participate.
It all depends on the incentive and the creative complexity of the challenge. Make it too hard and you will limit consumer contribution, but with internet tools, it's now possible to put creative power in the hands of mass consumers, allowing them to participate in a way that's fun and easy.
Posted by: Edward Cotton | October 25, 2005 at 08:30 PM
The applicability of the ideas found in Cluetrain and Open Source revolve around the amount of time, money or emotion required to do business with a business.
Indeed, it doesn't make any sense to invest your time in businesses for which one has no significant invesment in - be it time, money or emotion.
However, if a business requires any significant investment from a consumer the game has simply changed.
To be sure, your company's word simply doesn't matter anymore.
Posted by: tribeless | October 26, 2005 at 02:42 PM
Here's a question. What % number would the guys at Vsente consider to be significant % in terms of the population reading blogs? Recent research shows that 1 in 10 are reading blogs at least monthly:
"The number and influence of blogs continues to rise," says David Schatsky, SVP of JupiterResearch, who points to a consumer survey conducted recently by his firm that shows that "11% of online consumers read blogs at least monthly, a number that is rising rapidly."
And what are they reading, this growing blog-reading population? And do these 'consumers' want to engage in conversations. Or file complaints?
What are tens of millions people doing everyday at Yahoo Groups then? Or the gazillions of comments left by customers on 'gripe this' or 'love that' blog posts. 3 examples:
Starbuck Gossip blog:
...Or this guy who made a video(!) about a GE water cooler that he says sucks - His post comes up #1 result in a search for the product on Google: a traditional product manager's nightmare -
...Or me complaining about Nameplanet customer service.
Do a search for Nameplanet. You'll find my gripe on the first results page...who's going to sign up after see that?
Just some examples. Plenty more if you look around. Here's a clue. Do a search for a brand and add the word blog. Try it. They are all there, fans and detractors being found and read - the conversations are happening.
Posted by: Alex Barnett | October 26, 2005 at 03:16 PM
Hi James. Thanks for continuing the dialogue...
The basic issue for vSente is the notion of "control" as in "putting the customer in control". We disagree that putting the customer in control is a good thing. We especially do not agree with tribeless's notion that "your company's word simply doesn't matter anymore".
The examples cited by James and Alex demonstrate new and in some cases innovative ways for customers to provide feedback. We embrace these methods as means for solicting customer input and participation. But these examples do not indicate that customers are now in control.
More importantly as Alex and others use these avenues to register feedback what happens when they get it wrong? Or the feedback is intentionally malicious? Or your company's reputation is unfairly attacked by a few "evangelical white-goo spitting" consumer vigilantes? Does the corporation sit back and do nothing?
As to Alex's question about % blog participation - we would be surprised if in the future 20% of American consumers actively participated/interacted at any meaningful level with their brands - whether through blogs, forums, web sites, contests, etc.
We here at vSente continue to look for one case study of an enterprise that has actually put the customer in control. A before, during and after case study that can demonstrate sustainable advantage.
Posted by: Mike Smock | October 26, 2005 at 06:33 PM
Hi Mike. If your willing to share it I'd love to get your take on the recent problems apple experienced with the release of the nano.
My own take is a significant number of customers who bought the nano were "invested" in their purchase and when the product didn't meet their expectations they took swift and decisive action in an open marketplace. In the process, these "invested" customers have influenced sales and policy in the process.
To me the message in this instance is clear; in an open and transparent marketplace "invested" consumers will play an ever increasing role in how they are marketed and sold to whether a company likes it or not. Furthermore, the opinions of peers will carry more weight than the marketing messages delivered by the coolest of companies like apple.
Posted by: tribeless | October 27, 2005 at 06:17 AM
Hi Tribeless,
Apple is an interesting example. The strength of Apple is the vision of Steve Jobs. Which doesn't seem to be influenced by customer participation. If he did he would of overturned his ban on Wiley Books and offered a screen replacement program for Nano buyers. Lance Ulanoff at PC Magazine had an interesting take on Apple here:
More importantly, the main issue for us at vSente isn't customer participation or investment but the notion of putting the customer in control. Again, we disagree with putting the customer in control of anything in the enterprise. Participation? Sure! Investment? Sure! Input? Hell yes! Control? No!
Posted by: Mike Smock | October 27, 2005 at 04:56 PM
Hi Mike, For whatever reason I ended up on earlier today and couldn't help but think of you and the gang at vSente while I was there.
Anyway, I wanted to share with you one of ebags propositions prominently featured on their homepage:
"Don't listen to us, listen to our customers"
That simple, that eloquent, that open.
At the time of this post Ebags lists having 704,901 reviews on 34,604 products. It will be interesting to see what kind of metrics they are listing a year from now.
Posted by: tribeless | October 28, 2005 at 10:56 PM
James: A good piece on adage today. Ed
Learning to Cope With Mass Market Conversations You No Longer Control
October 31, 2005
By Jonah Bloom
Posted by: tribeless | October 31, 2005 at 03:02 PM
Interesting chat guys. I don't think there is any doubt that a significant and growing number of people want to participate with rather than just consume media - just to different degrees.
I tend to overstate the case to make my point, but I do think that sophisticated communities will grow around brands and companies whether they like it or not. Does that put those customer communities in total control ? No. Does it give them a lot of influence? Yes.
So a company can either batton down the hatches and let the conversation whirl around them unchecked or get involved and become a constructive participant. Not much of a choice really...
Posted by: James Cherkoff | November 01, 2005 at 09:45 AM