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Andy Bargery

Sounds extremely interesting and great that Google will finally have some decent competition in the digital advertising space. If Microsoft takes it's typical approach - i.e. enter a market, dominate and drive out the others, then google had better pull it's socks up...

James Cherkoff

Thanks Andy, there's no doubt it's a deadly serious play. It's a huge programme so it might take a good while to get moving but I got the feeling that Ballmer is more than happy to fund it with revenues from the rest of MS...for as long as it takes.

Alex Barnett

Name dropper ;-)

James Cherkoff

Clunk! ;-)

Aurelius Tjin

Very well-said.

Microsoft can get really radical at some point.

James Cherkoff

'Radical' and 'Microsoft' aren't exactly an obvious choice Aurelius but iwas quite clear from Ballmer's speech that Gooogle has got him fired up which may tip his desire to change the game just about into the radical zone.


Sometimes dominance isn't such a bad thing. Google has yet to prove it's dominance has any serious negative consequences. After all, they created the ad space from scratch while we all stood knee deep in paid-search-results doo doo, otherwise known as the 'death of search'.

Similarly, people get upset by the "dominance" of iTunes, which is really only a problem for gigantic multi-national corporations, ie. Apple has taken power from *them* - which seems a good thing to me. Nonetheless, people are afraid of dominance.

Given the situation, having Microsoft offer competition is a far scarier prospect than Google domination. Better to live in a Google-dominated world than a Microsoft one.

James Cherkoff

Provocative as ever Brad, can I press you a little more as to why Google is OK and Microsoft isn't...?

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