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Kevin Behringer

I think you make a good point here.

I believe that key messages are still critical for business. They help keep all marketing activities focused and moving in the same direction. BUT, there is one important difference from the key messages of old that truly changes the face of marketing.

Now, those key messages have to be true!

You can't get away with faking a key message any more. The successful companies, now and in the future, will find what they do well FIRST and then find a way to tell people about it.


James Cherkoff

Thanks Kevin. It's a good point you make about being honest. That demands a type of brutal insight which is pretty thin on the ground. However, I think it goes further than that. Coors isn't being dishonest in the claims they are making, but they are being tricky with their narrative ie presenting the Smooth Pour Crew as real. In traditional media you can get away with such fictional narrative. But on the social web it just looks contrived. Which is a not a great starting point to engage people.

I mean, do you want to be part of the Smooth Pour Crew?

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