The infrastructure of the web is in constant flux, which is, of course, why it’s so interesting. However, occasionally a new fault line appears, often over a long period of time, that changes the landscape in a more fundamental way. The new set of identity standards that have emerged in recent times, under the simple guise of reducing the number of log-ins you need to remember, are exactly that. At first Facebook Connect, OAuth, OpenSocial and OpenID seem to be basic devices to get around the annoyance of multiple usernames and passwords. Handy - but no big deal. However, in fact, they are solutions to one of the main sources of friction on the web. Currently, as you move from one social network to another, you may as well be moving between countries, setting up a new life in each. Meet new friends, send some postcards to contacts and family from the old country, and then check out the tourist trail. Hey, if you want to be a bit more glamorous in this new city, then you can be. Your old friends aren’t there to ruin the illusion. My usual cocktail please! But the new identity standards are about to ruin this party. And once we’ve got over the shock, we’ll all remember that it’s your real friends and family that count. We’ll quickly get used to the idea that...
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