The recent rise of Quora, the social net based around (mainly) cerebral Q&A, created the customary reactions, including one that I always find interesting. It’s a common outburst from many people upon being introduced to any type of new web service that goes something along the lines of: ‘They do what?! What on earth!?’, ‘What’s the matter with them?’ and at some point quite possibly, ‘Where do they find the time?’ and, if you are lucky, ‘Don’t they have jobs?!’. Sometimes with some spluttering and eye-rolling thrown in for good measure. I went through almost exactly this train of thought the first time I saw Twitter. I remember someone showing me a Tweet from one of their pals saying they were waiting in for the plumber because their boiler had broken and they had no hot water. ‘They do what!?’, I spluttered, ‘Why would anyone be interested in this?!’. However, I then caught myself and realised I was about to say everything that people had been saying to me about blogging for the previous few years. (For some reason the blogging version of this outrage often involved people’s pyjamas evidently implying something about the plight of the lonely. As in,‘blogging is just about people in their pyjamas writing about...
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