Last year was the moment when social channels stopped pretending to be earned or organic and became paid media, as the market was flooded with behavioural targeting options and 'social display' exploded. Increasingly, and somewhat ironically, the only place to now gain organic reach is through search (aka Google in the UK). That said, SEO is also being turned upside-down by the rise of knowledge graphs, entities and the subsequent erosion of keyword influence. Furthermore, display and search are increasingly difficult to view separately as search marketeers call upon audience demographics to augment their keyword intent data. Returning the favour, display advertisers can use keyword data to target their brand images via data management platforms, using groovy new approaches such as content remarketing. Additionally, as vast programmatically-driven markets expand, traditional commercial models also blend. Thus, display marketeers are able to access auction-based models previously associated with search which means turning from CPM to CPC. Welcome to the new world of markets for attention data - or signals. They may seem confusing - but they aren’t going away.
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