One of the common scenarios I come across in the Digital Strategy Sessions I run is when a company has invested in a range of disparate digital products and programmes but are left feeling unsure about what is really being added to the bottom line. In the majority of cases the problem is that the digital marketing programme is not delivering against business outcomes that senior executives genuinely care about. This is partly because, in recent years, digital marketing has grown up and slowly joined the mainstream but has not yet been integrated with existing business planning procedures. For example, senior executives don’t care about clicks, fans and followers. They might like the idea of having the latest digital wizadry but what they really care about are revenues, business development, growth markets, cost efficiencies and recruitment. If the digital marketing programme can’t be demonstrated to deliver against these issues – even in a minor way – it can never expect to receive the full support of those signing off on major investments. The question I pose in the Digital Strategy Sessions is would you be happy to stand up in front of your chairman or your clients’ board and present your digital marketing plan? And, more importantly, are you happy you are addressing the issues that are top of their to-do-lists?